Los obispos católicos de los Estados Unidos se complacen en ofrecer una vez más a los fieles católicos Formando la conciencia para ser ciudadanos fieles (en Inglés), nuestro documento de enseñanza sobre la responsabilidad política de los católicos.
Our next St. Peter the Apostle sponsored meal at St. Vincent Lied Dining Room at Catholic Charities will be on Tuesday, February 25, 2025. We will need 50 volunteers to serve the meal. There will be more sign-up information the month prior to the sponsored meal. If you would like to donate to help pay for this meal, you may place your donation in a marked envelope "St. Peter the Apostle sponsored meal at St. Vincent Lied Dining Room at Catholic Charities" and either mail it to the parish office or place it in the collection basket. Thank you for your generosity in advance.